Carrinho de comprasTecnologia de EquipamentosOpções de EquipamentosSoftwareSensores ExternosEtiquetas de BagagemBombas e CompressoresSinalizadores de GásTubes de EnsaioDesinfecçãoAcessórios de ConexãoSondasCabeça de TesteAdaptador para Cabeça de TesteManômetroFerramenta de teste GDRReghulador do InterruptorTubos adaptadoresAdaptadorRedutorMangueiras de ConexãoPlugues de TesteConexão do MedidorSet de ConexãoAcessórios de TesteTecnologia de CarregamentoTransporte e ArmazenamentoAcessóriosManual de instruções

Plugues de Teste

Válvula esféricasimNão
ConexãoSerie 17Serie 21
entradas por página
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Test plug 2" conic
Test plug 2" conic
with fitting for series 17 conic diameter 45-60 mm
Test plug 1 1/2" conic
Test plug 1 1/2" conic
with fitting series 17 conic diameter 35-45mm
Test plug 1 1/4" conic
Test plug 1 1/4" conic
with fitting for series 17 conic diameter 30-40 mm
Test plug 1/2" conic
Test plug 1/2" conic
Test plug 1/2" conic and fitting series 17 conic diameter 16-20 mm
Test plug 1" conic
Test plug 1" conic
with fitting for series 17 conic diameter 25-30 mm
Test plug 3/4" conic
Test plug 3/4" conic
Test plug 3/4" conic and fitting series 17 conic diameter 25-30 mm
Test plug 1/2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 1/2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 16 - 20 mm
Test plug 3/4" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 3/4" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 20 - 25 mm
Test plug 1" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 1" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 25 - 30 mm
Test plug 2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 45 - 60 mm
Test plug 1 1/2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 1 1/2" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 35 - 45 mm
Test plug 1 1/4" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
Test plug 1 1/4" conic with ball valve and coupling S 21
cone diameter 30 - 40 mm
Test plug 1/2" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 1/2" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 16 - 20 mm
Test plug holder DruckTest 2000 NL mounted in the housing cover
Test plug holder DruckTest 2000 NL
mounted in the housing cover
Test plug holder DruckTest 2000 NL S21 mounted in the housing cover Holder for easy storage of test plugs. The test plugs are held on the bottom by magnets.
Test plug 2" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 2" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 45 - 60 mm
Test plug 1" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 1" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 25 - 30 mm
Test plug 1 1/4" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 1 1/4" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 30 - 40 mm
Test plug 1 1/2" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 1 1/2" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 35 - 45 mm
Test plug 3/4" conic and Fitting S17
Test plug 3/4" conic and Fitting S17
cone diameter 25 - 30 mm
entradas por página
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